Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Love Offering

Your help is needed in maintaining and growing this site.

The Lord laid it on my heart to create this site so that His children could use their journal to draw closer to Him. As the website team moved through the development, the social media piece was added. At the time of its launch, the site is the first of its kind for the Christian community.

I followed the Lord’s leading and took a step out in faith to have this site created. To maintain it and to help it to continue to grow, I need your help.

There are costs involved in maintaining a website of this size. If everyone who uses and feels blessed by this site contributes, it can be kept free and accessible to all of God’s children.

The Lord tells us that He can take little and make it much. Matthew 14:13-21 tells us the story of how five loaves and two fish fed 5,000 men plus women and children. If those five loaves and two fish had not been given, this miracle may not have happened. By giving, we can help to bless others.

Please do not assume that someone else will give – it does start with you.

Your love offering is deeply appreciated. May you be blessed as you continue to seek God’s face in your life.