Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word.

Welcome To My Online Prayer Journal!

Welcome! It is no coincidence that you are here today – you are about to embark on a journey in sharing your heart with our Lord and listening for His response. Your online prayer journal follows you wherever you go so you can share your thoughts and prayers with the Lord at any time. Your intimate conversations with the Father are recorded in your prayer journal and can be referenced later to see how He has moved in your life. Writing your prayers gives you better recall on what you talked about with the Lord.

We have many ways of communicating with our Father. Have you tried writing your thoughts and prayers to Him? Have you become frustrated that your fingers don’t write as fast as you can type? Maybe – like me – you like to type your prayers as you speak to our Father but would like to personalize the pages to reflect your personality. This site gives you the opportunity to experiment with another means of prayer and contemplation.

Why an online prayer journal?

  • Portable – you can add to it at any time when you have Internet access
  • Personal – you won’t worry that your paper journal can be found and read
  • Safe – you won’t worry that your journal could be destroyed by fire or flood or lost in a computer crash.
  • Searchable – you can easily find subjects that you wrote about
  • Secure – you are the only one who can access your prayer journal

If you have never tried a prayer journal before, take some time to read through the website to see how online prayer journaling can open your heart to talking with our Lord. Pray about this to see if the Lord would have you give it a try.

Typing your prayers opens up a couple of your senses – vision and the touch of your fingers on the keys. It also helps you to focus on your prayers as you type. And if you choose to play some of the music available here or your own praise and worship music, you open yourself to the sense of hearing as well.

May you be blessed as you take a new path in talking with our Father.

As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength. – Psalm 138:3 (NLT)

I am praying to you because you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray. – Psalm 17:6 (NLT)

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